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Motifs :
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- • Couleurs
Motifs :
- Acanthus, Imperial
- Acorn, Fenton
- Acorn, Millersburg
- Acorn Burrs, Northwood
- Acorn Vase, Millersburg
- Adam's Rib, Dugan
- African Shield, Sowerby
- Amaryllis, Dugan
- American, Fostoria
- Antigone, Brockwitz
- Apple and Pear, Dugan
- Apple and Pear Intaglio, Northwood
- Apple Blossom Twigs, Dugan
- Apple Blossoms, Dugan
- Apple Blossoms, Northwood
- Apple Panels, Unknow
- Apple Tree, Fenton
- April Showers, Fenton
- Asters, Brockwitz
- Athenia, US Glass
- Autumn Acorns, Fenton
- Ballard, Northwood
- Balloons, Imperial
- Band of Stars, Unknow
- Banded Diamonds & Bars, Inwald
- Barbella, Northwood
- Basket of Roses, Northwood
- Beaded Acanthus, Imperial
- Beaded Basket, Dugan
- Beaded Bullseye, Imperial
- Beaded Cable, Northwood
- Beaded Panels, Dugan
- Beaded Shell, Dugan
- Beaded Stars, Fenton
- Bells and Beads, Dugan
- Bernheimer, Millersburg
- Big Basketweave, Dugan
- Big Butterfly, Unknow
- Big Fish, Millersburg
- Big Thistle, Millersburg
- Birds and Cherries, Fenton
- Birmingham Age Herald, Fenton
- Bishop's Mitre, Riihimaki
- Blackberry, Fenton
- Blackberry and Rays, Northwood
- Blackberry Banded, Fenton
- Blackberry Bark, Millersburg
- Blackberry Block, Fenton
- Blackberry Bramble, Fenton
- Blackberry Open Edge, Fenton
- Blackberry Spray, Fenton
- Blackberry Wreath, Millersburg
- Blaze, Imperial
- Blocks and Arches, Crown Crystal
- Blossomtime, Northwood
- Blueberry, Fenton
- Bo Peep, Unknow
- Boggy Bayou, Fenton
- Border Plants, Dugan
- Bouquet, Fenton
- Boutonniere, Millersburg
- Brazier's Candies, Fenton
- Briar Patch, Fenton
- Brocaded Acorns, Fostoria
- Brocaded Daffodils, Imperial
- Brocaded Palms, Fostoria
- Brocaded Summer Gardens, Fostoria
- Broecker's Flour, Northwood
- Broken Arches, Imperial
- Brooklyn Bridge, Dugan
- Bullrushes, Crown Crystal
- Bullseye and Beads, Fenton
- Bullseye and Leaves, Northwood
- Bullseye and Loop, Millersburg
- Bushel Basket, Northwood
- Butterflies, Fenton
- Butterfly, Crown Crystal
- Butterfly, Northwood
- Butterfly and Berry, Fenton
- Butterfly and Corn, Millersburg
- Butterfly and Fern, Fenton
- Butterfly and Tulip, Dugan
- Butterfly ornament, Fenton
- Buzz Saw, Cambridge
- Cambridge Cologne, Cambridge
- Campbell and Beesley, Millersburg
- Cane Panels, Rindskopf
- Cape Cod, Imperial
- Captive Rose, Fenton
- Carolina Dogwood, Westmoreland
- Caroline, Dugan
- Cathedral Arches, Brockwitz
- Central Shoe Store, Fenton
- Chain and Star, Fostoria
- Charlotte, Brockwitz
- Chatelaine, Imperial
- Checkerboard, Westmoreland
- Cherries, Dugan
- Cherries, Millersburg
- Cherries, Fenton
- Cherry and Cable, Northwood
- Cherry Chain, Fenton
- Cherry Circles, Fenton
- Chesterfield, Imperial
- Christmas Compote, Dugan
- Chrysanthemum, Fenton
- Chrysanthemum, Imperial
- Circle Scroll, Dugan
- Classic Arts , Rindskopf
- Cleveland Memorial Ashtray, Millersburg
- Cobblestones, Imperial
- Coin Dot, Fenton
- Coin Spot, Dugan
- Colonial, Imperial
- Colonial Lady, Imperial
- Columbia, Imperial
- Compote Vase, Dugan
- Concave Diamonds, Northwood
- Concave Flute, Westmoreland
- Concord, Fenton
- Cone and Tie, Imperial
- Constellation, Dugan
- Cooleeme, Fenton
- Coral, Fenton
- Corinth, Westmoreland
- Corn bottle, Imperial
- Corn vases, Northwood
- Cosmos, Millersburg
- Cosmos and Cane, US Glass
- Cosmos Variant, Dugan
- Country Kitchen, Millersburg
- Courthouse, Millersburg
- Covered Hen, Sowerby
- Covered Swan, Sowerby
- Crabclaw, Imperial
- Crackle, Imperial
- Creole, Unknow
- Crucifix, Imperial
- Curved Star, Brockwitz
- Cut Arcs, Fenton
- Cut Ovals, Fenton
- Dahlia, Dugan
- Daisies, Fenton
- Daisy, Imperial
- Daisy and Drape, Northwood
- Daisy and Lattice, Dugan
- Daisy and Plume, Northwood
- Daisy Block Rowboat, Sowerby
- Daisy Cut Bell, Fenton
- Daisy Dear, Dugan
- Daisy Squares, Westmoreland
- Daisy Web, Dugan
- Daisy Wreath, Westmoreland
- Dance of the Veils, Fenton
- Dandelion, Northwood
- Davidson's Society Chocolates, Northwood
- Deep Grape, Millersburg
- Derby, Sowerby
- Diamond and Daisy Cut, US Glass
- Diamond and Rib, Fenton
- Diamond and Sunburst, Imperial
- Diamond Cut, Crown Crystal
- Diamond Cut Shields, Brockwitz
- Diamond Lace, Imperial
- Diamond Point, Northwood
- Diamond Point Columns, Fenton
- Diamond Point Vase, Northwood
- Diamond Ring, Imperial
- Diamonds, Millersburg
- Dianthus, Fenton
- Diving Dolphins, Sowerby
- Dogwood Sprays, Dugan
- Dolphins, Millersburg
- Dorsey and Funkenstein, Fenton
- Dotted Diamonds and Daisies, Fenton
- Double Dolphins, Fenton
- Double Dutch, Imperial
- Double Loop, Northwood
- Double Scroll, Imperial
- Double Star, Cambridge
- Double Stem Rose, Dugan
- Dragon and Lotus, Fenton
- Dragon and Strawberry, Fenton
- Dragon's Tongue, Fenton
- Drapery, Northwood
- Dreibus Parfait Sweets, Northwood
- E
- Fan, Dugan
- Fanciful, Dugan
- Fancy Flowers, Imperial
- Fans , Rindskopf
- Fantail, Fenton
- Farmyard, Dugan
- Fashion, Imperial
- Feather and Heart, Millersburg
- Feather Stitch, Fenton
- Feather Swirl, US Glass
- Feathered Serpent, Fenton
- Feathers, Northwood
- Feldman Brothers, Fenton
- Fenton Panels, Fenton
- Fenton's Flowers, Fenton
- Fentonia, Fenton
- Fentonia Fruits, Fenton
- Fern, Fenton
- Fern, Northwood
- Fern Brand Chocolates, Northwood
- Fern Panels, Fenton
- Field Thistle, US Glass
- Fieldflower, Imperial
- File, Imperial
- File and Fan, Westmoreland
- Filigree, Dugan
- Fine Cut and Roses, Northwood
- Fine Cut Flower, Northwood
- Fine Cut Rings, Guggenheim
- Fine Rib, Fenton
- Fine Rib, Northwood
- Fircone, Riihimaki
- Firefly, Riihimaki
- Fish, Jain
- Fisherman's Mug, Dugan
- Fishnet, Imperial
- Fishnet, Dugan
- Fishscale and Beads, Dugan
- Five Hearts, Dugan
- Flashing Star, Riihimaki
- Fleur de Lis, Imperial
- Fleur de Lis, Millersburg
- Flolicking Bears, Unknow
- Flora, Sowerby
- Floral and Grape, Dugan
- Floral and Grape, Fenton
- Floral and Optic, Imperial
- Florentine, Fenton
- Flowering Dill, Fenton
- Flowering Vine, Millersburg
- Flowers and Beads, Dugan
- Flowers and Frames, Dugan
- Flowers and Spades, Dugan
- Fluffy Peacock, Fenton
- Flute, Imperial
- Flute, Millersburg
- Flute, Northwood
- Flute and Cane, Imperial
- Fluted Scrolls, Dugan
- Folding Fan, Dugan
- Footed Prism Panels, Brockwitz
- Forget-me-not, Fenton
- Formal, Dugan
- Four Flower Variant, Unknow
- Four Flowers, Dugan
- Four Pillars, Northwood
- Four Seventy Four, Imperial
- Freefold, Imperial
- French Knots, Fenton
- Frosted Block, Imperial
- Fruit Basket, Millersburg
- Fruit Salad, Westmoreland
- Fruits and Flowers, Northwood
- Fuchsia, Fenton
- Garden Mums, Fenton
- Garden Path, Dugan
- Garland, Fenton
- Garland and Bows, Riihimaki
- Gay Nineties, Millersburg
- Geo. W. Getts, Fenton
- Gevurtz Bros Furniture, Fenton
- God and Home, Dugan
- Goddess, Jain
- Goddess of Harvest, Fenton
- Golden Grape, Dugan
- Golden Harvest, Dugan
- Good Luck, Fenton
- Good Luck, Northwood
- Grand Thistle, Riihimaki
- Grape and Cable, Fenton
- Grape and Cable, Northwood
- Grape and Cable Variant, Northwood
- Grape and Cherry, Sowerby
- Grape and Gothic Arches, Northwood
- Grape Arbor, Dugan
- Grape Arbor, Northwood
- Grape Delight, Dugan
- Grape Frieze, Northwood
- Grape Leaves, Millersburg
- Grape Leaves, Northwood
- Grape Wreath, Millersburg
- Grapevine Lattice, Dugan
- Greek Key, Northwood
- Greek Key andf Scales, Northwood
- Greengard Furniture, Millersburg
- Hand , Jain
- Hanging Cherries, Millersburg
- Harvest Flower, Dugan
- Harvest Poppy, Northwood
- Hattie, Imperial
- Heart and Vine, Fenton
- Hearts and Flowers, Northwood
- Hearts and Trees, Fenton
- Heavy Diamonds, Imperial
- Heavy Grape, Dugan
- Heavy Grape, Imperial
- Heavy Iris, Dugan
- Heavy Pineapple, Fenton
- Heavy Prism, Sowerby
- Heavy Web, Dugan
- Heron, Dugan
- Herringbone and Beaded Ovals, Imperial
- Hobnail, Millersburg
- Hobstar, Cambridge
- Hobstar, Imperial
- Hobstar and Cut Triangles, Sowerby
- Hobstar and Feather, Millersburg
- Hobstar and Fruit, Westmoreland
- Hobstar and Waffle Block, Imperial
- Hobstar Band, Unknow
- Hobstar Flower, Imperial
- Hobstar Nucut, Imperial
- Holiday, Northwood
- Holly, Fenton
- Holly, Millersburg
- Holly and Berry, Dugan
- Homestead, Imperial
- Honeycomb, Dugan
- Honeycomb and Beads, Dugan
- Honeycomb and Clover, Fenton
- Honeycomb and Hobstar, Millersburg
- Horse Medallion, Fenton
- Hyacinth, Dugan
- Illinois Daisy, Unknow
- Illinois Solders and Sailor Home, Fenton
- Illusion, Fenton
- Imperial Daisy, Imperial
- Imperial Grape, Imperial
- Imperial Paperweight, Imperial
- Indiana State House, Fenton
- Indianapolis Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Fenton
- Interior Poinsettia, Northwood
- Inverted Coin Dot, Fenton
- Inverted Feather, Cambridge
- Inverted Strawberry, Unknow
- Inverted Thistle, Cambridge
- Iris, Fenton
- Iris Enameled, Fenton
- Isaac Benesch & Sons, Millersburg
- J
- K
- Lattice and Daisy, Dugan
- Lattice and Grape, Fenton
- Lattice and Leaves, Brockwitz
- Lattice and Poinsettia, Northwood
- Lattice and Points, Dugan
- Lattice Hearts, Dugan
- Lea, Sowerby
- Leaf and Beads, Northwood
- Leaf and Little Flowers, Millersburg
- Leaf Chain, Fenton
- Leaf Columns, Northwood
- Leaf Rays, Dugan
- Leaf Swirl, Westmoreland
- Leaf Tiers, Fenton
- Lightning Flower, Northwood
- Lily, Crown Crystal
- Lily of the Valley, Fenton
- Lined Lattice, Dugan
- Lions, Fenton
- Little Barrel, Imperial
- Little Daisies, Fenton
- Little Fishes, Fenton
- Little Flowers, Fenton
- Little Stars, Millersburg
- Loganberry, Imperial
- Long Hobstar, Imperial
- Long Thumbprint, Dugan
- Lotus and Grape, Fenton
- Lotus and Thistle, Fenton
- Lotus Land, Northwood
- Louisa, Westmoreland
- Lovely, Northwood
- Lustre and Clear, Imperial
- Lustre Corn, Dugan
- Lustre Flute, Northwood
- Lustre Rose, Imperial
- Magnolia, Fenton
- Magpie, Crown Crystal
- Malaga, Dugan
- Manhattan, US Glass
- Many Fruits, Dugan
- Many Stars, Millersburg
- Maple Leaf, Dugan
- Marilyn, Millersburg
- Mary Ann, Dugan
- Massachusetts, US Glass
- May, Unknow
- Mayan, Millersburg
- Memphis, Northwood
- Mikado, Fenton
- Milady, Fenton
- Miller Furniture, Fenton
- Mirrored Lotus, Fenton
- Mitered Ovals, Millersburg
- Moonprint, Brockwitz
- Morning Glory, Millersburg
- Morning Glory, Imperial
- Multi-Fruits and Flowers, Millersburg
- Muscadine, Jain
- My Lady, Unknow
- N
- Octagon, Imperial
- Octet, Northwood
- Ogden Furniture, Fenton
- Ohio Star, Millersburg
- Old Rose Distilling, Northwood
- Olympic, Millersburg
- Olympus, Northwood
- Open Edge Basketweave , Fenton
- Open Edge, 2 row, Fenton
- Open Edge, 3 row, Fenton
- Open Opals, Dugan
- Open Rose, Imperial
- Optic and Buttons, Imperial
- Orange Peel, Westmoreland
- Orange Tree, Fenton
- Orange Tree Orchard, Fenton
- Orange Tree Scroll, Fenton
- Oriental Poppy, Northwood
- Oval and Round, Imperial
- Pacific Coast Mail Order, Fenton
- Palm Beach, US Glass
- Paneled Daisy and Cane, Unknow
- Paneled Dandelion, Fenton
- Paneled Diamonds and Bows, Fenton
- Paneled Holly, Northwood
- Paneled Treetrunk, Dugan
- Pansy, Imperial
- Panther, Fenton
- Paradise Sodas, Fenton
- Parlor Panels, Imperial
- Peach, Northwood
- Peach and Pear, Dugan
- Peacock, Millersburg
- Peacock and Dahlia, Fenton
- Peacock and Grape, Fenton
- Peacock and Urn, Fenton
- Peacock and Urn, Millersburg
- Peacock and Urn, Northwood
- Peacock at the Fountain, Northwood
- Peacock Garden, Fenton
- Peacock Tail, Fenton
- Peacock Tail advertising, Fenton
- Peacock Tail variant, Millersburg
- Peacocks, Northwood
- Pearly Dots, Westmoreland
- Pebbles, Fenton
- Penny & Gentles, Northwood
- Peoples Vase, Millersburg
- Pepper Plant, Fenton
- Perfection, Millersburg
- Persian Garden, Dugan
- Persian Medallion, Fenton
- Petal and Fan, Dugan
- Petals, Northwood
- Peter Rabbit, Fenton
- Pillar Flute, Imperial
- Pillow and Sunburst, Westmoreland
- Pinched Swirl, Dugan
- Pineapple, Sowerby
- Pineapple and Fan, US Glass
- Pinecone, Fenton
- Pinups, Crown Crystal
- Pipe humidor, Millersburg
- Plaid, Fenton
- Plain Jane, Imperial
- Plume Panels, Fenton
- Plums and Cherries, Northwood
- Poinsettia, Imperial
- Poinsettia and Lattice, Northwood
- Pond Lily, Fenton
- Pony, Dugan
- Poppy, Millersburg
- Poppy, Northwood
- Poppy, Imperial
- Poppy Show, Northwood
- Poppy Show, Imperial
- Poppy Variant, Northwood
- Portly, Fenton
- Potpourri, Millersburg
- Prayer Rug, Fenton
- Premium, Imperial
- Primrose, Millersburg
- Princess, US Glass
- Prisms, Westmoreland
- Propeller, Imperial
- Pulled Loop, Dugan
- Puzzle, Dugan
- Q
- Ragged Robin, Fenton
- Rainbow, Northwood
- Raindrops, Dugan
- Rambler Rose, Dugan
- Ranger, Imperial
- Raspberry, Northwood
- Rays and Ribbons, Millersburg
- Rib and Panel, Unknow
- Ribbon Tie, Fenton
- Ripple, Imperial
- Rising Sun, US Glass
- Robin, Imperial
- Rococo, Imperial
- Rood's Chocolates, Fenton
- Rosalind, Millersburg
- Rosalind variant , Millersburg
- Rose Band, Brockwitz
- Rose Bouquet, Fenton
- Rose Columns, Millersburg
- Rose Garden, Brockwitz
- Rose Pinwhell, Unknow
- Rose Show, Northwood
- Rose Show variant, Northwood
- Rose Spray, Fenton
- Rose Tree, Fenton
- Roses and Fruits, Millersburg
- Roses and Greek Key, Unknow
- Rosette, Northwood
- Roundup, Dugan
- Royal Swans, Sowerby
- Royalty, Imperial
- Ruffled Rib, Dugan
- Ruffles and Rings, Northwood
- Rustic, Fenton
- S-Repeat, Dugan
- Sailboats, Fenton
- Scale Band, Fenton
- Scales, Crown Crystal
- Scales, Westmoreland
- Scotch Thistle, Fenton
- Scroll and Flower Panels, Imperial
- Scroll Embossed, Imperial
- Sea Thistle, Sowerby
- Seacoast, Millersburg
- Seagulls, Dugan
- Seaweed, Millersburg
- Shasta Daisy, Fenton
- Shell, Imperial
- Shell, Westmoreland
- Shell and Jewels, Westmoreland
- Shell and Sand, Imperial
- Shrike, Crown Crystal
- Singing Birds, Northwood
- Single Flower, Dugan
- Six Five Eight, Northwood
- Six Five Seven, Northwood
- Six Petals, Dugan
- Six-Sided, Imperial
- Ski Star, Dugan
- Smooth Panels, Imperial
- Smooth Rays, Dugan
- Smooth Rays, Fenton
- Smooth Rays, Westmoreland
- Smooth Rays, Northwood
- Snow Fancy, Imperial
- Soda Gold, Imperial
- Soutache, Dugan
- Sowerby Drape, Sowerby
- Spector's Department Store, Fenton
- Spiral Rib, Northwood
- Spiralex, Dugan
- Split Diamond, Sowerby
- Springtime, Northwood
- Square Diamond, Brockwitz
- Stag and Holly, Fenton
- Star and File, Imperial
- Star Medallion, Imperial
- Star of David, Imperial
- Star of David and Bows, Northwood
- Starburst, Riihimaki
- Starburst and Crown, Riihimaki
- Starburst and Diamonds, Riihimaki
- Starfish, Dugan
- Starflower, Fenton
- Starspray, Imperial
- States, US Glass
- Sterling Furniture, Fenton
- Stippled Diamonds, Millersburg
- Stippled Estate, Dugan
- Stippled Flower, Dugan
- Stippled Petals, Dugan
- Stippled Rambler Rose, Dugan
- Stippled Rays, Fenton
- Stippled Rays/Scale Band, Northwood
- Stork ABC, Westmoreland
- Stork and Rushes, Dugan
- Stork and Rushes w Lattice Band, Dugan
- Strawberry, Northwood
- Strawberry, Fenton
- Strawberry, Dugan
- Strawberry Intaglio, Northwood
- Strawberry Scroll, Fenton
- Strawberry Wreath, Millersburg
- Stream of Hearts, Fenton
- Strutting Peacock, Westmoreland
- Sunflower, Millersburg
- Sunflower, Northwood
- Superstar, Brockwitz
- Swan, Crown Crystal
- Sweetheart, Cambridge
- Swirl, Northwood
- Swirl, Imperial
- Swirled Hobnail, Millersburg
- Sydney , Fostoria
- Target vases, Dugan
- Tartan, Brockwitz
- Ten Mums, Fenton
- Ten Thirteen R, Dugan
- Tennessee Star, Riihimaki
- Texas, Brockwitz
- Thin Panel, Dugan
- Thin Rib, Northwood
- Thin Rib and Drape, Imperial
- Thistle, Fenton
- Thistle and Thorn, Sowerby
- Three Fruits, Northwood
- Three Fruits, Fenton
- Three Fruits Medallion, Northwood
- Three Row, Imperial
- Three-in-One, Imperial
- Thumbprint and Ovals, Imperial
- Tiger Lily, Imperial
- Tiger Lily, Riihimaki
- Tornado, Northwood
- Towers, Sowerby
- Town Pump, Northwood
- Tracery, Millersburg
- Tree of Life, Dugan
- Tree Trunk, Northwood
- Triands, Brockwitz
- Triple Alliance , Brockwitz
- Trout and Fly, Millersburg
- Tulip, Millersburg
- Tulip and Cane, Imperial
- Tulip Scroll, Millersburg
- Twigs, Dugan
- Twins, Imperial
- Twist Bobeche, US Glass
- Two Flowers, Fenton
- Two Fruits, Fenton
- Two Seventy, Westmoreland
- U
- V
- Waffle Block, Imperial
- Water Lily, Fenton
- Waterlily and Cattails, Fenton
- Weeping Cherries, Dugan
- Western Thistle , Riihimaki
- Wheat, Northwood
- Wheels, Imperial
- Whirling Leaves, Millersburg
- Whirling Star, Imperial
- Whirling Star, US Glass
- Wickerwork, Sowerby
- Wide Panel, Northwood
- Wide Rib, Dugan
- Wild Blackberry, Fenton
- Wild Flower, Millersburg
- Wild Rose, Northwood
- Wild Rose, Westmoreland
- Wild Rose, Millersburg
- Wild Strawberry, Northwood
- Windflower, Fenton
- Windflower, Dugan
- Windmill, Imperial
- Wine and Roses, Fenton
- Wishbone, Northwood
- Wishbone and Spades, Dugan
- Wisteria , Northwood
- Woodlands, Fenton
- Woodpecker, Dugan
- Woodpecker and Ivy, Millersburg
- Wreath of Roses, Dugan
- Wreath of Roses, Fenton
- Wreathed Cherry , Dugan
- Z
Holly and Berry par Dugan: Verre Carnaval
1 Items in the Encyclopedia
Le motif Holly and Berry de Dugan est composé feuilles, fruits et petits fruits.Il a été produit dans diverses couleurs dont pêche opal et mauve.
Il existe dans les formes suivantes: bol ondulé, saucières et nappy.
Détails du motif
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