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Motifs :
- • Compagnies
- • Formes
- • Couleurs
Motifs :
- Acanthus, Imperial
- Acorn, Fenton
- Acorn, Millersburg
- Acorn Burrs, Northwood
- Acorn Vase, Millersburg
- Adam's Rib, Dugan
- African Shield, Sowerby
- Amaryllis, Dugan
- American, Fostoria
- Antigone, Brockwitz
- Apple and Pear, Dugan
- Apple and Pear Intaglio, Northwood
- Apple Blossom Twigs, Dugan
- Apple Blossoms, Dugan
- Apple Blossoms, Northwood
- Apple Panels, Unknow
- Apple Tree, Fenton
- April Showers, Fenton
- Asters, Brockwitz
- Athenia, US Glass
- Autumn Acorns, Fenton
- Ballard, Northwood
- Balloons, Imperial
- Band of Stars, Unknow
- Banded Diamonds & Bars, Inwald
- Barbella, Northwood
- Basket of Roses, Northwood
- Beaded Acanthus, Imperial
- Beaded Basket, Dugan
- Beaded Bullseye, Imperial
- Beaded Cable, Northwood
- Beaded Panels, Dugan
- Beaded Shell, Dugan
- Beaded Stars, Fenton
- Bells and Beads, Dugan
- Bernheimer, Millersburg
- Big Basketweave, Dugan
- Big Butterfly, Unknow
- Big Fish, Millersburg
- Big Thistle, Millersburg
- Birds and Cherries, Fenton
- Birmingham Age Herald, Fenton
- Bishop's Mitre, Riihimaki
- Blackberry, Fenton
- Blackberry and Rays, Northwood
- Blackberry Banded, Fenton
- Blackberry Bark, Millersburg
- Blackberry Block, Fenton
- Blackberry Bramble, Fenton
- Blackberry Open Edge, Fenton
- Blackberry Spray, Fenton
- Blackberry Wreath, Millersburg
- Blaze, Imperial
- Blocks and Arches, Crown Crystal
- Blossomtime, Northwood
- Blueberry, Fenton
- Bo Peep, Unknow
- Boggy Bayou, Fenton
- Border Plants, Dugan
- Bouquet, Fenton
- Boutonniere, Millersburg
- Brazier's Candies, Fenton
- Briar Patch, Fenton
- Brocaded Acorns, Fostoria
- Brocaded Daffodils, Imperial
- Brocaded Palms, Fostoria
- Brocaded Summer Gardens, Fostoria
- Broecker's Flour, Northwood
- Broken Arches, Imperial
- Brooklyn Bridge, Dugan
- Bullrushes, Crown Crystal
- Bullseye and Beads, Fenton
- Bullseye and Leaves, Northwood
- Bullseye and Loop, Millersburg
- Bushel Basket, Northwood
- Butterflies, Fenton
- Butterfly, Crown Crystal
- Butterfly, Northwood
- Butterfly and Berry, Fenton
- Butterfly and Corn, Millersburg
- Butterfly and Fern, Fenton
- Butterfly and Tulip, Dugan
- Butterfly ornament, Fenton
- Buzz Saw, Cambridge
- Cambridge Cologne, Cambridge
- Campbell and Beesley, Millersburg
- Cane Panels, Rindskopf
- Cape Cod, Imperial
- Captive Rose, Fenton
- Carolina Dogwood, Westmoreland
- Caroline, Dugan
- Cathedral Arches, Brockwitz
- Central Shoe Store, Fenton
- Chain and Star, Fostoria
- Charlotte, Brockwitz
- Chatelaine, Imperial
- Checkerboard, Westmoreland
- Cherries, Dugan
- Cherries, Millersburg
- Cherries, Fenton
- Cherry and Cable, Northwood
- Cherry Chain, Fenton
- Cherry Circles, Fenton
- Chesterfield, Imperial
- Christmas Compote, Dugan
- Chrysanthemum, Fenton
- Chrysanthemum, Imperial
- Circle Scroll, Dugan
- Classic Arts , Rindskopf
- Cleveland Memorial Ashtray, Millersburg
- Cobblestones, Imperial
- Coin Dot, Fenton
- Coin Spot, Dugan
- Colonial, Imperial
- Colonial Lady, Imperial
- Columbia, Imperial
- Compote Vase, Dugan
- Concave Diamonds, Northwood
- Concave Flute, Westmoreland
- Concord, Fenton
- Cone and Tie, Imperial
- Constellation, Dugan
- Cooleeme, Fenton
- Coral, Fenton
- Corinth, Westmoreland
- Corn bottle, Imperial
- Corn vases, Northwood
- Cosmos, Millersburg
- Cosmos and Cane, US Glass
- Cosmos Variant, Dugan
- Country Kitchen, Millersburg
- Courthouse, Millersburg
- Covered Hen, Sowerby
- Covered Swan, Sowerby
- Crabclaw, Imperial
- Crackle, Imperial
- Creole, Unknow
- Crucifix, Imperial
- Curved Star, Brockwitz
- Cut Arcs, Fenton
- Cut Ovals, Fenton
- Dahlia, Dugan
- Daisies, Fenton
- Daisy, Imperial
- Daisy and Drape, Northwood
- Daisy and Lattice, Dugan
- Daisy and Plume, Northwood
- Daisy Block Rowboat, Sowerby
- Daisy Cut Bell, Fenton
- Daisy Dear, Dugan
- Daisy Squares, Westmoreland
- Daisy Web, Dugan
- Daisy Wreath, Westmoreland
- Dance of the Veils, Fenton
- Dandelion, Northwood
- Davidson's Society Chocolates, Northwood
- Deep Grape, Millersburg
- Derby, Sowerby
- Diamond and Daisy Cut, US Glass
- Diamond and Rib, Fenton
- Diamond and Sunburst, Imperial
- Diamond Cut, Crown Crystal
- Diamond Cut Shields, Brockwitz
- Diamond Lace, Imperial
- Diamond Point, Northwood
- Diamond Point Columns, Fenton
- Diamond Point Vase, Northwood
- Diamond Ring, Imperial
- Diamonds, Millersburg
- Dianthus, Fenton
- Diving Dolphins, Sowerby
- Dogwood Sprays, Dugan
- Dolphins, Millersburg
- Dorsey and Funkenstein, Fenton
- Dotted Diamonds and Daisies, Fenton
- Double Dolphins, Fenton
- Double Dutch, Imperial
- Double Loop, Northwood
- Double Scroll, Imperial
- Double Star, Cambridge
- Double Stem Rose, Dugan
- Dragon and Lotus, Fenton
- Dragon and Strawberry, Fenton
- Dragon's Tongue, Fenton
- Drapery, Northwood
- Dreibus Parfait Sweets, Northwood
- E
- Fan, Dugan
- Fanciful, Dugan
- Fancy Flowers, Imperial
- Fans , Rindskopf
- Fantail, Fenton
- Farmyard, Dugan
- Fashion, Imperial
- Feather and Heart, Millersburg
- Feather Stitch, Fenton
- Feather Swirl, US Glass
- Feathered Serpent, Fenton
- Feathers, Northwood
- Feldman Brothers, Fenton
- Fenton Panels, Fenton
- Fenton's Flowers, Fenton
- Fentonia, Fenton
- Fentonia Fruits, Fenton
- Fern, Fenton
- Fern, Northwood
- Fern Brand Chocolates, Northwood
- Fern Panels, Fenton
- Field Thistle, US Glass
- Fieldflower, Imperial
- File, Imperial
- File and Fan, Westmoreland
- Filigree, Dugan
- Fine Cut and Roses, Northwood
- Fine Cut Flower, Northwood
- Fine Cut Rings, Guggenheim
- Fine Rib, Fenton
- Fine Rib, Northwood
- Fircone, Riihimaki
- Firefly, Riihimaki
- Fish, Jain
- Fisherman's Mug, Dugan
- Fishnet, Imperial
- Fishnet, Dugan
- Fishscale and Beads, Dugan
- Five Hearts, Dugan
- Flashing Star, Riihimaki
- Fleur de Lis, Imperial
- Fleur de Lis, Millersburg
- Flolicking Bears, Unknow
- Flora, Sowerby
- Floral and Grape, Dugan
- Floral and Grape, Fenton
- Floral and Optic, Imperial
- Florentine, Fenton
- Flowering Dill, Fenton
- Flowering Vine, Millersburg
- Flowers and Beads, Dugan
- Flowers and Frames, Dugan
- Flowers and Spades, Dugan
- Fluffy Peacock, Fenton
- Flute, Imperial
- Flute, Millersburg
- Flute, Northwood
- Flute and Cane, Imperial
- Fluted Scrolls, Dugan
- Folding Fan, Dugan
- Footed Prism Panels, Brockwitz
- Forget-me-not, Fenton
- Formal, Dugan
- Four Flower Variant, Unknow
- Four Flowers, Dugan
- Four Pillars, Northwood
- Four Seventy Four, Imperial
- Freefold, Imperial
- French Knots, Fenton
- Frosted Block, Imperial
- Fruit Basket, Millersburg
- Fruit Salad, Westmoreland
- Fruits and Flowers, Northwood
- Fuchsia, Fenton
- Garden Mums, Fenton
- Garden Path, Dugan
- Garland, Fenton
- Garland and Bows, Riihimaki
- Gay Nineties, Millersburg
- Geo. W. Getts, Fenton
- Gevurtz Bros Furniture, Fenton
- God and Home, Dugan
- Goddess, Jain
- Goddess of Harvest, Fenton
- Golden Grape, Dugan
- Golden Harvest, Dugan
- Good Luck, Fenton
- Good Luck, Northwood
- Grand Thistle, Riihimaki
- Grape and Cable, Fenton
- Grape and Cable, Northwood
- Grape and Cable Variant, Northwood
- Grape and Cherry, Sowerby
- Grape and Gothic Arches, Northwood
- Grape Arbor, Dugan
- Grape Arbor, Northwood
- Grape Delight, Dugan
- Grape Frieze, Northwood
- Grape Leaves, Millersburg
- Grape Leaves, Northwood
- Grape Wreath, Millersburg
- Grapevine Lattice, Dugan
- Greek Key, Northwood
- Greek Key andf Scales, Northwood
- Greengard Furniture, Millersburg
- Hand , Jain
- Hanging Cherries, Millersburg
- Harvest Flower, Dugan
- Harvest Poppy, Northwood
- Hattie, Imperial
- Heart and Vine, Fenton
- Hearts and Flowers, Northwood
- Hearts and Trees, Fenton
- Heavy Diamonds, Imperial
- Heavy Grape, Dugan
- Heavy Grape, Imperial
- Heavy Iris, Dugan
- Heavy Pineapple, Fenton
- Heavy Prism, Sowerby
- Heavy Web, Dugan
- Heron, Dugan
- Herringbone and Beaded Ovals, Imperial
- Hobnail, Millersburg
- Hobstar, Cambridge
- Hobstar, Imperial
- Hobstar and Cut Triangles, Sowerby
- Hobstar and Feather, Millersburg
- Hobstar and Fruit, Westmoreland
- Hobstar and Waffle Block, Imperial
- Hobstar Band, Unknow
- Hobstar Flower, Imperial
- Hobstar Nucut, Imperial
- Holiday, Northwood
- Holly, Fenton
- Holly, Millersburg
- Holly and Berry, Dugan
- Homestead, Imperial
- Honeycomb, Dugan
- Honeycomb and Beads, Dugan
- Honeycomb and Clover, Fenton
- Honeycomb and Hobstar, Millersburg
- Horse Medallion, Fenton
- Hyacinth, Dugan
- Illinois Daisy, Unknow
- Illinois Solders and Sailor Home, Fenton
- Illusion, Fenton
- Imperial Daisy, Imperial
- Imperial Grape, Imperial
- Imperial Paperweight, Imperial
- Indiana State House, Fenton
- Indianapolis Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Fenton
- Interior Poinsettia, Northwood
- Inverted Coin Dot, Fenton
- Inverted Feather, Cambridge
- Inverted Strawberry, Unknow
- Inverted Thistle, Cambridge
- Iris, Fenton
- Iris Enameled, Fenton
- Isaac Benesch & Sons, Millersburg
- J
- K
- Lattice and Daisy, Dugan
- Lattice and Grape, Fenton
- Lattice and Leaves, Brockwitz
- Lattice and Poinsettia, Northwood
- Lattice and Points, Dugan
- Lattice Hearts, Dugan
- Lea, Sowerby
- Leaf and Beads, Northwood
- Leaf and Little Flowers, Millersburg
- Leaf Chain, Fenton
- Leaf Columns, Northwood
- Leaf Rays, Dugan
- Leaf Swirl, Westmoreland
- Leaf Tiers, Fenton
- Lightning Flower, Northwood
- Lily, Crown Crystal
- Lily of the Valley, Fenton
- Lined Lattice, Dugan
- Lions, Fenton
- Little Barrel, Imperial
- Little Daisies, Fenton
- Little Fishes, Fenton
- Little Flowers, Fenton
- Little Stars, Millersburg
- Loganberry, Imperial
- Long Hobstar, Imperial
- Long Thumbprint, Dugan
- Lotus and Grape, Fenton
- Lotus and Thistle, Fenton
- Lotus Land, Northwood
- Louisa, Westmoreland
- Lovely, Northwood
- Lustre and Clear, Imperial
- Lustre Corn, Dugan
- Lustre Flute, Northwood
- Lustre Rose, Imperial
- Magnolia, Fenton
- Magpie, Crown Crystal
- Malaga, Dugan
- Manhattan, US Glass
- Many Fruits, Dugan
- Many Stars, Millersburg
- Maple Leaf, Dugan
- Marilyn, Millersburg
- Mary Ann, Dugan
- Massachusetts, US Glass
- May, Unknow
- Mayan, Millersburg
- Memphis, Northwood
- Mikado, Fenton
- Milady, Fenton
- Miller Furniture, Fenton
- Mirrored Lotus, Fenton
- Mitered Ovals, Millersburg
- Moonprint, Brockwitz
- Morning Glory, Millersburg
- Morning Glory, Imperial
- Multi-Fruits and Flowers, Millersburg
- Muscadine, Jain
- My Lady, Unknow
- N
- Octagon, Imperial
- Octet, Northwood
- Ogden Furniture, Fenton
- Ohio Star, Millersburg
- Old Rose Distilling, Northwood
- Olympic, Millersburg
- Olympus, Northwood
- Open Edge Basketweave , Fenton
- Open Edge, 2 row, Fenton
- Open Edge, 3 row, Fenton
- Open Opals, Dugan
- Open Rose, Imperial
- Optic and Buttons, Imperial
- Orange Peel, Westmoreland
- Orange Tree, Fenton
- Orange Tree Orchard, Fenton
- Orange Tree Scroll, Fenton
- Oriental Poppy, Northwood
- Oval and Round, Imperial
- Pacific Coast Mail Order, Fenton
- Palm Beach, US Glass
- Paneled Daisy and Cane, Unknow
- Paneled Dandelion, Fenton
- Paneled Diamonds and Bows, Fenton
- Paneled Holly, Northwood
- Paneled Treetrunk, Dugan
- Pansy, Imperial
- Panther, Fenton
- Paradise Sodas, Fenton
- Parlor Panels, Imperial
- Peach, Northwood
- Peach and Pear, Dugan
- Peacock, Millersburg
- Peacock and Dahlia, Fenton
- Peacock and Grape, Fenton
- Peacock and Urn, Fenton
- Peacock and Urn, Millersburg
- Peacock and Urn, Northwood
- Peacock at the Fountain, Northwood
- Peacock Garden, Fenton
- Peacock Tail, Fenton
- Peacock Tail advertising, Fenton
- Peacock Tail variant, Millersburg
- Peacocks, Northwood
- Pearly Dots, Westmoreland
- Pebbles, Fenton
- Penny & Gentles, Northwood
- Peoples Vase, Millersburg
- Pepper Plant, Fenton
- Perfection, Millersburg
- Persian Garden, Dugan
- Persian Medallion, Fenton
- Petal and Fan, Dugan
- Petals, Northwood
- Peter Rabbit, Fenton
- Pillar Flute, Imperial
- Pillow and Sunburst, Westmoreland
- Pinched Swirl, Dugan
- Pineapple, Sowerby
- Pineapple and Fan, US Glass
- Pinecone, Fenton
- Pinups, Crown Crystal
- Pipe humidor, Millersburg
- Plaid, Fenton
- Plain Jane, Imperial
- Plume Panels, Fenton
- Plums and Cherries, Northwood
- Poinsettia, Imperial
- Poinsettia and Lattice, Northwood
- Pond Lily, Fenton
- Pony, Dugan
- Poppy, Millersburg
- Poppy, Northwood
- Poppy, Imperial
- Poppy Show, Northwood
- Poppy Show, Imperial
- Poppy Variant, Northwood
- Portly, Fenton
- Potpourri, Millersburg
- Prayer Rug, Fenton
- Premium, Imperial
- Primrose, Millersburg
- Princess, US Glass
- Prisms, Westmoreland
- Propeller, Imperial
- Pulled Loop, Dugan
- Puzzle, Dugan
- Q
- Ragged Robin, Fenton
- Rainbow, Northwood
- Raindrops, Dugan
- Rambler Rose, Dugan
- Ranger, Imperial
- Raspberry, Northwood
- Rays and Ribbons, Millersburg
- Rib and Panel, Unknow
- Ribbon Tie, Fenton
- Ripple, Imperial
- Rising Sun, US Glass
- Robin, Imperial
- Rococo, Imperial
- Rood's Chocolates, Fenton
- Rosalind, Millersburg
- Rosalind variant , Millersburg
- Rose Band, Brockwitz
- Rose Bouquet, Fenton
- Rose Columns, Millersburg
- Rose Garden, Brockwitz
- Rose Pinwhell, Unknow
- Rose Show, Northwood
- Rose Show variant, Northwood
- Rose Spray, Fenton
- Rose Tree, Fenton
- Roses and Fruits, Millersburg
- Roses and Greek Key, Unknow
- Rosette, Northwood
- Roundup, Dugan
- Royal Swans, Sowerby
- Royalty, Imperial
- Ruffled Rib, Dugan
- Ruffles and Rings, Northwood
- Rustic, Fenton
- S-Repeat, Dugan
- Sailboats, Fenton
- Scale Band, Fenton
- Scales, Crown Crystal
- Scales, Westmoreland
- Scotch Thistle, Fenton
- Scroll and Flower Panels, Imperial
- Scroll Embossed, Imperial
- Sea Thistle, Sowerby
- Seacoast, Millersburg
- Seagulls, Dugan
- Seaweed, Millersburg
- Shasta Daisy, Fenton
- Shell, Imperial
- Shell, Westmoreland
- Shell and Jewels, Westmoreland
- Shell and Sand, Imperial
- Shrike, Crown Crystal
- Singing Birds, Northwood
- Single Flower, Dugan
- Six Five Eight, Northwood
- Six Five Seven, Northwood
- Six Petals, Dugan
- Six-Sided, Imperial
- Ski Star, Dugan
- Smooth Panels, Imperial
- Smooth Rays, Dugan
- Smooth Rays, Fenton
- Smooth Rays, Westmoreland
- Smooth Rays, Northwood
- Snow Fancy, Imperial
- Soda Gold, Imperial
- Soutache, Dugan
- Sowerby Drape, Sowerby
- Spector's Department Store, Fenton
- Spiral Rib, Northwood
- Spiralex, Dugan
- Split Diamond, Sowerby
- Springtime, Northwood
- Square Diamond, Brockwitz
- Stag and Holly, Fenton
- Star and File, Imperial
- Star Medallion, Imperial
- Star of David, Imperial
- Star of David and Bows, Northwood
- Starburst, Riihimaki
- Starburst and Crown, Riihimaki
- Starburst and Diamonds, Riihimaki
- Starfish, Dugan
- Starflower, Fenton
- Starspray, Imperial
- States, US Glass
- Sterling Furniture, Fenton
- Stippled Diamonds, Millersburg
- Stippled Estate, Dugan
- Stippled Flower, Dugan
- Stippled Petals, Dugan
- Stippled Rambler Rose, Dugan
- Stippled Rays, Fenton
- Stippled Rays/Scale Band, Northwood
- Stork ABC, Westmoreland
- Stork and Rushes, Dugan
- Stork and Rushes w Lattice Band, Dugan
- Strawberry, Northwood
- Strawberry, Fenton
- Strawberry, Dugan
- Strawberry Intaglio, Northwood
- Strawberry Scroll, Fenton
- Strawberry Wreath, Millersburg
- Stream of Hearts, Fenton
- Strutting Peacock, Westmoreland
- Sunflower, Millersburg
- Sunflower, Northwood
- Superstar, Brockwitz
- Swan, Crown Crystal
- Sweetheart, Cambridge
- Swirl, Northwood
- Swirl, Imperial
- Swirled Hobnail, Millersburg
- Sydney , Fostoria
- Target vases, Dugan
- Tartan, Brockwitz
- Ten Mums, Fenton
- Ten Thirteen R, Dugan
- Tennessee Star, Riihimaki
- Texas, Brockwitz
- Thin Panel, Dugan
- Thin Rib, Northwood
- Thin Rib and Drape, Imperial
- Thistle, Fenton
- Thistle and Thorn, Sowerby
- Three Fruits, Northwood
- Three Fruits, Fenton
- Three Fruits Medallion, Northwood
- Three Row, Imperial
- Three-in-One, Imperial
- Thumbprint and Ovals, Imperial
- Tiger Lily, Imperial
- Tiger Lily, Riihimaki
- Tornado, Northwood
- Towers, Sowerby
- Town Pump, Northwood
- Tracery, Millersburg
- Tree of Life, Dugan
- Tree Trunk, Northwood
- Triands, Brockwitz
- Triple Alliance , Brockwitz
- Trout and Fly, Millersburg
- Tulip, Millersburg
- Tulip and Cane, Imperial
- Tulip Scroll, Millersburg
- Twigs, Dugan
- Twins, Imperial
- Twist Bobeche, US Glass
- Two Flowers, Fenton
- Two Fruits, Fenton
- Two Seventy, Westmoreland
- U
- V
- Waffle Block, Imperial
- Water Lily, Fenton
- Waterlily and Cattails, Fenton
- Weeping Cherries, Dugan
- Western Thistle , Riihimaki
- Wheat, Northwood
- Wheels, Imperial
- Whirling Leaves, Millersburg
- Whirling Star, Imperial
- Whirling Star, US Glass
- Wickerwork, Sowerby
- Wide Panel, Northwood
- Wide Rib, Dugan
- Wild Blackberry, Fenton
- Wild Flower, Millersburg
- Wild Rose, Northwood
- Wild Rose, Westmoreland
- Wild Rose, Millersburg
- Wild Strawberry, Northwood
- Windflower, Fenton
- Windflower, Dugan
- Windmill, Imperial
- Wine and Roses, Fenton
- Wishbone, Northwood
- Wishbone and Spades, Dugan
- Wisteria , Northwood
- Woodlands, Fenton
- Woodpecker, Dugan
- Woodpecker and Ivy, Millersburg
- Wreath of Roses, Dugan
- Wreath of Roses, Fenton
- Wreathed Cherry , Dugan
- Z
Singing Birds par Northwood: Verre Carnaval
1 Items in the Encyclopedia
Le motif Singing Birds de Northwood est composé animaux, feuilles, fleurs, oiseaux et pannaux.Il a été produit dans diverses couleurs dont améthiste, aqua opal, bleu, bleu opal, bleu glacier, bleu renninger, bleu saphir, vert, vert lime, vert olive, turquoise, ambre, orangé pale, ambre foncé, orangé, lavende, mauve, fumée et blanc.
Il existe dans les formes suivantes: bol large à fruit, bol petit, chope, chope pointillée, verre, pichet régulier, beurrier, crémier, sucrier et porte cuillière.
Ce motif a été reproduit
Détails du motif
Cliquez sur une photo pour l'agrandir
Ambre * Ambre foncé * Améthiste * Aqua opal * Blanc * Bleu * Bleu glacier * Bleu opal * Bleu renninger * Bleu saphir * Fumée * Lavende * Mauve * Orangé Orangé pale * Turquoise * Vert * Vert lime * Vert olive * |
Beurrier * Bol large à fruit * Bol petit * Chope Chope pointillée Crémier * Pichet régulier * Porte cuillière * Sucrier * Verre * |
* = Bonne couleur / forme, mais un patron différent. Veuillez nous aider en ajoutant vos photos